Directions Credit Union
Proud Sponsor of Pastoral in the Park!
Event Information
JULY 4 2018
10:30am - 1:00pm
Youth Activites:
Bounce House - Free with parent/guardian permission
Games Activites Corn Hole
Adult Activites:
Horse shoe
Games and Activites
The Local Fire Department, Troy Township, will be present staging their beautiful fire engine for all to see and enjoy. They will also bring an ambulance, goodies for the kids and of course an awesome crew of Firemen. Stop over and say hello!
Officer will be present to meet with the community and display a Lexington Police Cruiser.
Pet a Horse courtesy of Buck's Bar & Grill
Entertainment Pavilion Schedule
10:30 Event Welcome By Grace Riegel
Invocation by V.F.W. Chaplain Steward Pitou
VFW post 5101 Commander Emory Estep
Guest Speaker
10:45 Announce Winners for Parade Float & Bicycle
11:00 Master of Ceremony Roger Price and
A.F.M. Local 159 Concert Band Starts
12:30 Recognition of sponsors,
12:50 Rising Star Performs, prize winners announced
for Picnic & Spirit Wear Prizes, Announce winners for raffle drawing
1:00 Conclusion of Event
Community Center Pavilion
V.F.W. Welcome Table
First come, First serve picnic table seating
The Soccer Fields:
Soccer Field 1 - 11:00 - 3:00
Kids& Teen games and activities:
Soccer Field 2: Self organize
11:00 Teens have the field
12:00 Children claim the domain
1:00 Adults show 'em how its done
11:00 Adult's get it going
12:00 Teen's rotate in
1:00 Children give it a go